How to Write A History Book (and Keep Your Sanity) - My Top Ten Tips
I am very pleased to be at th e final stage of completing my book on Christiana Edmunds. It has taken around 2 years to get here and it has been emoti onal, to say the least! B ut , now that I'm finally here (hooray!), I thought I'd share a few tips on getting your book done, without having a complete and total mental breakdown. If you feel overwhelmed by the prospect of writing 60, 000 words, break it down into chapters. For Christiana, I set every chapter a minimum word count of 4000 words and worked on them one at a time. That way, writing the book felt like writing lots of essays, not like one mammoth piece of work. Keep a written record of every source you consult – whether you use them in your book or not. It helps to arrange them by theme, too. You will want to murder someone if, ever time you need to check a fact or date, you have to go rifling through your web histo...